We had to move all of our classes inside due to the storm today so I wanted to put together a short blog post with some tips for working out inside. Right now, you must wear your mask the entire time you are inside and we have circles set up that are 6+ feet apart.
I feel like masks can offer a little insight into our personalities. Are you wearing the simple black mask? A bandana? A disposable mask? Maybe one with your favorite sports team or Hogwarts house?
We know masks are not our normal for working out so here are some tips that may help you with the transition:
- Bring 2 masks. One will get wet/sweaty from working out and it will be more difficult to breath through. Plus, it will be more pleasant to walk out of class with a dry mask on.
- The disposable masks are easier to breathe through, but they get wet faster (and then are more difficult to breathe through.)
- Consider trying a bandana instead of a form fitting facial mask.
- Looser masks may let you feel like it’s easier to breathe, but they also get sucked into your mouth as you breathe heavy or can slip off your face. A tighter fitting mask will move around less as you are jumping and moving around.
- You may have to lower the intensity of your workout until you get used to the mask – be patient and understanding with yourself.
- If you need to stop and catch your breath – do that!
Over the next week, try a few different options to see what works best for YOU! It also may be helpful to take some more breaks your first few workouts as your build your mask endurance. You can treat the workout just like you do when working outside in 95+ degree weather. After a few workouts you will find yourself breathing easier.
The consensus so far is that working out in a mask is slightly more difficult, but not impossible. We are training to be adaptable humans and to overcome whatever comes our way!